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Territorial Development and Urbanization

글로벌 도시권 육성방안 연구(Ⅱ)(A study on global city-region development in Korea(II))

  • 글로벌 도시권 육성방안 연구(Ⅱ)(A study on global city-region development in Korea(II))
  • 경기도 : 국토연구원
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Title 글로벌 도시권 육성방안 연구(Ⅱ)(A study on global city-region development in Korea(II))
Publisher 경기도 : 국토연구원
Publication Date 2011 - 12
Material Type Report
Country South Korea Holding 국토연구원
Language Korean License 저작자표시-비영리-변경금지
Series Title 국토연


Today, city-regions play a more prominent role in driving national growth. They represent the leading areas for creation of substantial competitive units in the global economic system. Moreover, global city-regions which are engines of economic growth worldwide are internationally networked. To improve competitiveness, most countries are working towards developing city-regions as key growth leaders. The overall purpose of this study is to research the development of Korea's city-regions as growth centres for global competitiveness, encouraging mega-economic regions and contributing to the advancement of the country in the future. The first study reviewed the alternatives for setting up the Korean city-region spatial boundary and introduced strategies for city-region development by comparing with foreign countries. The second study aims to introduce the basic directions for the Korean city-regions development and promoting subjects for building the basic structure of city-regions. For this study, chapter 1 introduces the object of the study and the overall outline. Chapter 2 introduce the needs for city-region development and related theories such as New Regionalism, Mega-City theory, Network theory and Governance. Chapter 3 reviews city-region development strategies of countries such as England(Manchester), France(Lyon), and USA(Southern California and Seattle). The critical success factors of these countries for governance could be summarized as voluntary cooperation between regions and various types of cooperative organization, legal basis, and secure finance. Chapter 4 analyzes the Korean city-region present conditions and linkage between regions. The population, GRDP and industries of four city-regions takes 25% to 30% of the whole nation which occupies half of the nation excluding the SMA(Seoul Metropolitan Area). Dae-jeon city-region shows influx of population from peripheral areas, integration of manufacture industry, dispersion of service industry, concentration of key facilities to Dae-jeon, dispersion of population and commute mobility from the center. Gwang-ju city-region shows high concentration in population towards Gwang-ju city, dispersion of manufacture industry, integration of service industry, concentration of population and dispersion of commute mobility. Daegu city-region shows high concentration in population towards Daegu city, dispersion of manufacture industry, integration of service industry, integration of education facilities in Gyeongsan city, integration of industry facilities in Gumi city, and dispersion of population and commute mobility. Busan city-region shows active population mobility among peripheral areas, integration of manufacture industry, dispersion of service industry, integration of key facilities in Busan, Ulsan, Changwon city, dispersion of population and commute mobility. Chapter 5 reviews the conditions of regional linkage and cooperation strategies of each city-regions. Dae-jeon city region shows active cooperation based on G9 but Gwang-ju city-region shows low cooperation caused by lack of demand. Daegu and Busan city-region shows high interest in cooperation but there aren't enough real effects. Also in the survey result, most of the respondents gave negative evaluation to the present regional cooperation. According to the cooperation analysis, the main problems could be summarized as lack of demand for cooperation, regional egoism, legal footing, financial secure and lack of execution system, and inadequate organization.

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