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한국의 주민등록제도 발전과정(The evolution of the resident registration system in Korea)

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Title 한국의 주민등록제도 발전과정(The evolution of the resident registration system in Korea)
Publisher 세종 : KDI국제정책대학원
Publication Date 2015
Material Type Report
Country South Korea Holding KDI국제정책대학원
Language Korean License 저작자표시-비영리-변경금지
Series Title Knowledge Sharing Program; 경제발전경험 모듈화 사업


Numerous states around the world have adopted nationwide personal identification systems that collect and manage personal information on residents for convenient government services and efficient government information management (Article 1, RRA). Biometric information has become vital to welfare and emergency services. For instance, it allows a police officer the ability to quickly collect the biometric information of a suspect who has been detained. National defense services collect biometric information to efficiently administer and mobilize national defense resources. Today’s broad array of public welfare services from cradle to grave start with the collection of biometric information. Even after death, biometric information is important for identifying the deceased to ensure the rightful surviving family members receive government benefits and services. In Korea, the Resident Registration System (RRS) is the national identification system that collects a citizen’s biometric data, such as their facial characteristics and fingerprints, to provide a wide range of public services. (The rest omitted)

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