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Health and Safety

건강보험 보장성 강화에 따른 의료체계의 지속가능성 제고 방향(Improving the sustainability of healthcare delivery in line with NHI coverage enhancement)

  • 건강보험 보장성 강화에 따른 의료체계의 지속가능성 제고 방향(Improving the sustainability of healthcare delivery in line with NHI coverage enhancement)
  • 서울 : 한국보건사회연구원
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Title 건강보험 보장성 강화에 따른 의료체계의 지속가능성 제고 방향(Improving the sustainability of healthcare delivery in line with NHI coverage enhancement)
Publisher 서울 : 한국보건사회연구원
Publication Date 2013 - 07
Material Type Report
Country South Korea Holding 한국보건사회연구원
Language Korean License 저작자표시-비영리-변경금지
Series Title 수시보고서


This study suggests several changes to make the Korean healthcare delivery system more sustainable and to better align it with the on-going plan of enhancing NHI coverage for the four major diseases. If implemented in the current form the coverage enhancement will lead to a structural over-concentration of patients in the "Big5" general hospitals. In this regard, the provider-oriented healthcare delivery system needs to be more patient- oriented. The process of the systemic reorganization should involve, on the one hand, improvement of chronic disease management via regional healthcare cooperative networks, and on the other, establishment of sub-acute healthcare delivery system. The over-concentration of patients around the Big5 hospitals is evidence of how irrational the current healthcare delivery system is. A multidimensional policy kit is needed to change the public's unconditional preference for big and high-tech hospitals to informed preference for efficient services that meet their medical needs.

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