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지속적 경제성장을 위한 공정거래정책 운용 경험(Korea’s developmental experiences in operating competition policies for lasting economic development)

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Title 지속적 경제성장을 위한 공정거래정책 운용 경험(Korea’s developmental experiences in operating competition policies for lasting economic development)
Publisher 서울 : KDI 국제정책대학원
Publication Date 2014
Material Type Report
Country South Korea Holding KDI 국제정책대학원
Language Korean License 저작자표시-비영리-변경금지
Series Title Knowledge Sharing Program: 경제발전경험 모듈화 사업


This report discusses the introduction and development of Korean competition policies to provide policy-makers of developing countries information and insight on implementing their own competition policies. Korean competition policies have contributed to the successful achievement of the country’s policy goals. They have been customized in terms of direction and level of enforcement in coordination with the different stages of Korea’s economic development, including the stage of: price stabilization; consumer protection; vitalization of market competition; and economic growth. This report will first discuss the achievements of competition policies that have contributed to the Korean economy, and then describe the process of formation and development of competition policies against the backdrop of overall economic circumstances and policies. This will lead into explanations and evaluations of the current enforcement system and major aspects of Korean competition policies. The final section will discuss the implications that can be extracted from the Korean experience. (The rest omitted)

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